Chapter 3. Data Input and Output
rdata.sha |
Reading character data with the FORMAT command (p. 36). |
readchar.sha |
Reading character data with the CHARVARS= option. |
Chapter 4. Descriptive Statistics |
anova.sha |
A two-way ANOVA table (p. 51). |
teststat.sha |
t-test statistic for differences in population mean and an F-test statistic for different population variances (p. 52).
Data file : urate.txt Data file description: urate.html
stemleaf.sha |
Stem-and-Leaf Display
Chapter 5. Plots and Graphs |
graph.sha |
Graph of monthly time series data with dates on the x-axis. (p. 56).
Data file : urate.txt Data file description: urate.html
Chapter 6. Generating Variables |
log10.sha |
Working with logarithms to the base 10 (pp. 65-66).
wreplace.sha |
Sampling Without Replacement (p. 77).
Chapter 7. Ordinary Least Squares |
homeown.sha |
Weighted Least Squares - Analysis of Proportions Data |
Chapter 8. Hypothesis Testing and Confidence Intervals |
hyptest.sha |
Linear and non-linear hypothesis tests (pp. 104-110). |
confid.sha |
Interval estimation for a population mean (pp. 112-113). |
confid2.sha |
Confidence ellipse for 2 regression coefficients from 2SLS estimation. (pp. 115-116).
Also see system.sha.
Data file : klein.txt
Chapter 9. Inequality Restrictions |
bayes.sha |
Linear regression with inequality restrictions (pp. 119-121). |
sureq.sha |
SURE with inequality restrictions (pp. 121-122). |
Chapter 10. ARIMA Models |
pacf.sha |
Calculation of the partial autocorrelation function (pp. 127-128). |
arima.sha |
ARIMA estimation - an example from Enders. |
arseas.sha |
Seasonal ARIMA models - examples with the Box and Jenkins airline passenger data set and the Enders Spanish tourism data set. |
Chapter 11. Autocorrelation Models |
ar1.sha |
Estimation and forecasting for a model with AR(1) errors. The commands show how to replicate the estimation
results of the AUTO command by using OLS on transformed observations. |
Chapter 13. Cointegration and Unit Root Tests |
unitroot.sha |
Tests for unit roots using the Perron test applied to the Nelson-Plosser data set.
Data file : nelplos.txt Data file description: nelplos.html
johansen.prc |
Johansen trace test procedure for cointegration (pp. 174-177).
Command file : johan.sha
Data file : macro.txt Data file description: macro.html
Chapter 14. Diagnostic Tests |
diagnos.sha |
Examples of programming test statistics in SHAZAM by illustrating some of the computations implemented by the
DIAGNOS command. Calculations for tests for autocorrelation and tests for heteroskedasticity are shown (pp. 182-185). |
recur.sha |
More examples of programming test statistics. Calculations for recursive coefficient estimates and the Hansen test of model stability
are shown (pp. 185-188). |
reset.sha |
More examples of programming test statistics. Calculations for RESET tests are shown (pp. 190-191). |
Chapter 15. Distributed-Lag Models |
dlag.sha |
Estimation of distributed lag models including Almon lags (pp. 194-199). |
gcause.sha |
Testing for Granger causality (pp. 199-200).
Data file : judge18.txt
Chapter 16. Forecasting |
poolfc.sha |
Forecasting with time-series cross-section data.
Chapter 17. Fuzzy Set Models |
fuzzy.sha |
Measuring the underground economy using the methodology of Giles and Draeseke (pp. 215-216). |
Chapter 18. Generalized Entropy |
gme.sha |
Example of generalized entropy estimation (pp. 219-222). |
Chapter 19. Generalized Least Squares |
glsar1.sha |
Example of generalized least squares estimation for the model with AR(1) errors (pp. 226-228). |
Chapter 20. Heteroskedastic Models |
hetreg.sha |
Multiplicative Heteroskedasticity
Data file : credit.txt
Chapter 21. Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Non-Normal Models |
poisson.sha |
Poisson regression. |
mlebeta.sha |
Models with Beta-Distributed Dependent Variables
Data file : soss.txt
Chapter 22. Nonlinear Regression |
nlces.sha |
Estimation of a CES production function and testing for autocorrelated errors (p. 257).
maxfunc.sha |
Maximizing a function of a single variable (p. 257). |
nlsure.sha |
Nonlinear seemingly unrelated regression applied to the estimation of a linear expenditure system (p. 258).
sysnl.sha |
N2SLS, N3SLS and GMM estimation applied to Klein's Model I (pp. 260-268).
Also see system.sha.
Data file : klein.txt
Examples of the LOGDEN option: |
mhet.sha |
Estimation of the multiplicative heteroskedastic error model. |
boxhet.sha |
Maximum likelihood estimation of Box-Cox models with heteroskedasticity. |
poisnl.sha |
Poisson regression. Note that Poisson regression is implemented with the MLE command as shown
in the command file poisson.sha.
tobithet.sha |
Tobit model with heteroskedasticity.
Data file : mroz.txt |
homeown.sha |
Analysis of Proportions Data
Chapter 23. Nonparametric Methods |
nonpar.sha |
Nonparametric regression of a nonlinear function (pp. 279-280).
semipar.sha |
Robinson's semiparametric regression. |
Chapter 24. Pooled Cross-Section Time-Series |
pool.sha |
Estimation methods available with the POOL command (pp. 289-292). |
poolfc.sha |
Forecasting with time-series cross-section data.
poolec.sha |
Pooling with error components - an example of programming in SHAZAM.
Chapter 25. Probit and Logit Regression |
logit.sha |
Logit model estimation - comparisons with the probit model are also shown (pp. 300-301).
Data file : school.txt |
probit.sha |
Probit model estimation and Heckit procedure (pp. 302-304).
Data file : mroz.txt |
logitw.sha |
Weighted Logit estimation
Chapter 26. Robust Estimation |
lad.sha |
Least Absolute Error estimation.
Calculation of bootstrap standard errors is also shown.
Data file : industry.txt
Chapter 27. Time-Varying Linear Regression |
fls.sha |
Flexible least squares simulation experiment from Kalaba and Tesfatsion (pp. 313-314).
Chapter 28. Tobit Regression |
tobit.sha |
Tobit regression (pp. 321-322).
Data file : judge19.txt
tobitm.sha |
Calculating marginal effects for Tobit models including the McDonald and Moffitt (1980) decomposition.
Data file : judge19.txt
Chapter 29. Two-Stage Least Squares and Systems of Equations |
system.sha |
Estimation of Klein's Model I by 2SLS and 3SLS (pp. 325-326 and pp. 335-337).
Data file : klein.txt
hetcov.sha |
Computation of heteroskedasticity-consistent standard errors for 2SLS estimation.
Data file : klein.txt
Chapter 30. Data Smoothing, Moving Averages and Seasonal Adjustment |
smooth.sha |
Seasonal adjustment (p. 342). |
expsmth.sha |
Moving averages and exponential smoothing. |
Chapter 31. Financial Time Series |
stock.sha |
Chart of stock market prices (pp. 349-350).
Data file : spy.txt
portfol.sha |
Portfolio selection problem (pp. 353-355).
Data file : p.txt
eurocall.sha |
Pricing European call options (pp. 358-359). |
bsprice.sha |
Black-Scholes formula for a call option price, put option price and implied volatility. |
Chapter 32. Linear Programming |
lp.sha |
Linear Programming (pp. 362-364). |
Chapter 33. Matrix Manipulation |
matrix.sha |
Matrix operations (p. 366). |
matols.sha |
OLS estimation with the MATRIX command (p. 370). |
Chapter 34. Price Indexes |
prindex.sha |
Computing price indexes (p. 376). |
Chapter 35. Principal Components and Factor Analysis |
pcomp.sha |
Example of multicollinearity diagnostics and principal components regression (pp. 381-382). |
Chapter 36. Probability Distributions |
pvalue.sha |
Calculating p-values for test statistics (pp. 394-395). |
distchi.sha |
Calculating probabilities for chi-square (p. 395). |
distf.sha |
Calculating probabilities for non-central F (pp. 395-396). |
Chapter 37. Sorting Data |
wreplace.sha |
Sampling Without Replacement (p. 77).
Chapter 40. Programming in SHAZAM |
splice.sha |
Splicing price index series (p. 417). |
power.sha |
Computing the power of a test (pp. 418-420). |
ridge.sha |
Ridge Regression. (pp. 420-422). |
nlsroc.sha |
Nonlinear least squares by the rank one correction method (pp. 426-427). |
mcarlo.sha |
Monte Carlo experiments (pp. 428-430). |
boot.sha |
Bootstrapping regression coefficients (pp. 430-432). |
olscov.sha |
Estimating the variance of the OLS estimator in the presence of heteroskedastic errors or autocorrelated errors (pp. 432-434). |
hausman.sha |
Hausman specification test for errors in variables (pp. 434-435). |
nonnest.sha |
Non-Nested model testing (pp. 435-438). |
solve.sha |
Solving nonlinear sets of equations (pp. 438-439). |
mnlogit.sha |
Multinomial logit estimation (pp. 440-442). |
More Examples |
window.sha |
Performing a regression with a moving window. |
cor.sha |
Computing p-values for correlation coefficients. |
archprog.sha |
ARCH estimation using Engle's algorithm. |
vif.sha |
Computation of Variance Inflation Factors as an indicator of the severity of multicollinearity. |
probelas.sha |
Computing elasticities from probit estimation when variables have been log-transformed.
Also see logit.sha.
Data file : school.txt
bvprob.sha |
Bivariate Probit models - Testing for zero error correlation by computing a Lagrange multiplier test statistic.
Data file : school.txt
fiml.sha |
Full information maximum likelihood - Klein Model I.
Data file : klein.txt
Chapter 41. SHAZAM Procedures |
sqrtm.prc |
Square root of a matrix (pp. 448-449) using:
- an eigenvalue-vector decomposition
- the Golub-Van Loan procedure
Command file : sqrtm.sha
impvol.prc |
Black-Scholes option pricing and implied
volatility (pp. 451-454).
Command file : bsvol.sha
Note that Black-Scholes option pricing is implemented with the CALL and PUT commands as shown
in the command file bsprice.sha. |
liml.prc |
Limited information maximum likelihood (pp. 454-457).
Command file : liml.sha
Data file : klein.txt
multi.prc |
Generating multivariate random numbers (pp. 457-459).
Command file : multi.sha
More Procedures |
dwpvalue.prc |
Calculation of a p-value for the Durbin-Watson statistic
Command file : dwpvalue.sha
gauss.prc |
Nonlinear equation estimation by the Gauss-Newton method Command file : gauss.sha
granger.prc |
Testing for Granger causality
Command file : granger.sha
Data file : judge18.txt
Granger causality tests are also available using the commands shown in gcause.sha. |
huf.prc |
Robinson's heteroskedasticity of unknown form estimator
Command file : huf.sha
hh.prc |
Solving OLS with the Householder transformation
Command file : qr.sha
randcoef.prc |
Random coefficients models - pooled time-series cross-section data.
Command file : rand.sha
seasroot.prc |
Tests for seasonal unit roots
Command file : seas.sha
Data file : gdpcan.txt
stest.prc |
Stationarity tests proposed by Leybourne and McCabe
Command file : stest.sha
Data file : citibase.txt Data file description: citibase.html
ols.prc |
Replication of the SHAZAM OLS command.
Command file : ols.sha