SAMPLE 1 1974 READ (DMBP.txt) Y DAYDUM * Preliminary OLS estimation OLS Y / DN GF * Estimation results: Table 2, column 4 (Bollerslev and Ghysels, 1996) HET Y / GARCH=1 PRESAMP STDRESID=E RESID=E1 * Diagnostic Testing STAT E OLS E / GF ARIMA E GENR E2=E*E ARIMA E2 * Get the conditional standard deviation GENR HSE=E1/E GENR DAY=TIME(0) * Smooth the results NONPAR HSE DAY / METHOD=LOWESS PREDICT=HSMTH SMOOTH=0.1 * Plot the conditional standard deviation GRAPH HSE HSMTH / TIME LINEONLY STOP