(* DATA9-9 Quarterly data on the number of new car sales in the U.S., Compiled by Brian Robertson. period = 1976.1 - 1990.4 nocars = number of new car sales, in thousands Source: Wards Automotive Yearbook, various years. Range 1280.413 - 2775.774. pop = population, in millions, Source: Economic Report of the President, various years, Range 218.035 - 251.966. Y = disposable personal income per capita, in thousands of 1982 dollars, Source: Citibase Data Series. Range 9.376 - 11.930. price = New car price index, 1982 base year. Source: Economic Report of the President, various years. Range 68.3 - 122.0. primert = Prime interest rate charged by banks (%), Source: Economic Report of the President, various years. Range 6.3 - 20.3. unemp = unemployment rate (%), Source: Economic Report of the President, various years, Range 5.0 - 10.6. *) period nocars pop Y price primert unemp ; 4 1976.1 1990.4 BYOBS