(* DATA4-14: Annual tuition and average salary gain for MBAs at the 25 top business schools in the country. Both measures are in thousands of dollars. Range for tuition is 11.854 - 24.655 and range for salary gain is 27 - 60. The file also includes additional data on ratings by recruiters and MBAs in various categories. Ratings are from 1 (A) to 4 (D). Source: Business Week, October 21, 1996. z1 = MBA skills graded by recruiters in being analysts z2 = MBA skills graded by recruiters in being team players z3 = MBA skills graded by recruiters in having a global view z4 = Teaching evaluation by MBAs z5 = Curriculum evaluation by MBAs *) slrygain tuition z1 z2 z3 z4 z5 ; 1 1 25 BYOBS