olympics.def country year gdp pop gold silver bronze medaltot host planned soviet Obs: 1610 country country code year olympics year gdp gross domestic product, 1995 dollars pop population gold number of gold medals won silver number of silver medals won bronze number of bronze medals won medaltot total number of medals won host = 1 if host country planned = 1 if non-soviet planned soviet = 1 if soviet Data source: Andrew B. Bernard and Meghan R. Busse "Who wins the olympic games: Economic resources and medal totals," The Review of Economics and Statistics, February 2004, 86(1), 413-417. We thank Dr. Bernard for providing these data Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- country | 1610 106.3528 58.96456 1 211 year | 1610 79.58509 11.52345 60 96 gdp | 1610 1.17e+11 5.09e+11 3.91e+07 7.28e+12 pop | 1599 2.68e+07 9.73e+07 14960.41 1.22e+09 gold | 1259 1.657665 6.344098 0 83 -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- silver | 1259 1.648928 5.281189 0 69 bronze | 1258 1.800477 5.03377 0 46 medaltot | 1259 5.105639 16.18698 0 195 host | 1610 .0062112 .0785903 0 1 planned | 1610 .0192547 .1374615 0 1 -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- soviet | 1610 .0416149 .1997696 0 1